Out with the old, In with the new!

  I apologize for being away for a while. You know about that desired change I wrote about. Well, a lot has happened during the past few months. It all started in February when a best friend called me about a job opportunity as a day porter paying $24 an hour with a corporate office company. Instead of working a scattered schedule and fighting to get more hours, I now work full-time with full benefits and a steady schedule. All I do is make coffee for scheduled conferences and all the break rooms, along with keeping track of the supplies. I work Monday through Friday 7-4 and having that as part of my routine feels great. The people that I work with are great too. Everyone talks to me and not to me. I also have the freedom to work on whatever task I need to without people asking me what I am doing unless they are being social with me. No one is pestering me. Also, my boss is great and easy to talk to. I no longer feel uneasy whenever my boss calls upon me. When she does it's mainly

Book Recommendations


Hello Everyone!

I hope everyone is doing well. To be honest with you, my schedule has been all over the place lately so this time I'm providing you with recommendations for books that I have found written by people on the spectrum.

As a writer, I wanted to see who else on the spectrum is writing about autism. I have heard of a few people such as John Elder Robison with his book Look Me in the Eye, along with Dr. Temple Grandin who wrote multiple books on autism and animal rights as well as being a public speaker. Below I posted two of her books. I have a copy of her Thinking in Pictures.

After doing some googling I was pleased to find even more books on autism written by authors that are on the spectrum themselves. I absolutely love that there are so many out there, and hope that one day mine will be out there as well. There can never be too many books on autism, and every writer is going to have their own thoughts and experiences with the autistic spectrum.

As for me, currently, I'm reading But You Don’t Look Autistic At All by Bianca Toeps and I am enjoying it.

I also found an entire list! I may not get around to reading them all, at least not at once, but I will definitely attempt to read them because one is never done learning! Here is a link to the list of books that I found:


I do have a tendency to start reading a book while in the middle of reading another. I am also reading Deborah Harkness's A Discovery of Witches and Markus Zusak's The Book Thief in German.


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