
  Education! The simplest and most challenging thing one will go through in one's life. Simple because all you have to do is sit down and read a book on a subject you know nothing about and question what you are reading allowing it to shape you, along with gaining hands-on experience by practice or trade. It’s coming across a problem and wanting to solve it. It’s the hope of finding something new or creating something new.   So, what’s challenging about it? Is it commitment? Or is it the expectation?   What is more intimidating?   If you find enough interest in something, and make it essential to you, you will commit to it with no problem.  The essentials are budgeting money, cooking food, and whatever else is needed to survive and stand alone.   Unfortunately, the classes that teach this are not normally required.  The requirement is to find Y’s X. Let me tell you something: I have not needed to find Y’s X since my junior year of ...

Out with the old, In with the new!


I apologize for being away for a while. You know about that desired change I wrote about. Well, a lot has happened during the past few months. It all started in February when a best friend called me about a job opportunity as a day porter paying $24 an hour with a corporate office company. Instead of working a scattered schedule and fighting to get more hours, I now work full-time with full benefits and a steady schedule. All I do is make coffee for scheduled conferences and all the break rooms, along with keeping track of the supplies. I work Monday through Friday 7-4 and having that as part of my routine feels great. The people that I work with are great too. Everyone talks to me and not to me. I also have the freedom to work on whatever task I need to without people asking me what I am doing unless they are being social with me. No one is pestering me. Also, my boss is great and easy to talk to. I no longer feel uneasy whenever my boss calls upon me. When she does it's mainly to see how I am doing or to go over something of great importance that is coming up that we need to take care of. My previous bosses would accuse me of not doing something simply because I could not or hadn't gotten to it yet.

I have also been going through a purging in my home. For a long time, we have been dealing with an uncontrolled mess. My husband and I have been locking down on getting rid of things and have replaced furniture with new and much more functional furniture. We are not slobs or hoarders. When you struggle with ADD/ADHD, it becomes challenging to keep track of a clean house. Cleaning becomes overwhelming, difficult to know where to start and what is more important to do, such as cleaning the kitchen, or the bathroom first, or doing the laundry. Plus, all the hobby supplies and nicknacks that you collect over time or once needed at some point, but don't need anymore. Deciding what to keep and what not to keep becomes overwhelming. It's also the, you come home set things down, and then forget about it until hours later, or starting a project oddly enough can be chores and then stepping away intending to come back to it then forgetting about it until hours later or more.

Now that we have been purging everything and giving things a more functional home, it's becoming much easier. Granted, we are still working on keeping up with laundry and the kitchen, but it's finally improving.

These changes have been helping me to prioritize the things that I want in life a lot easier, such as my writing. Now I'm 42 pages into my first draft. I don't know how long it will be, or when I will finish, but I do hope to finish or get close to finishing by next year. This is my first book, and therefore a large learning curve, and that takes time. But some of the best things in life take time. I also made some updates with Naturally Nature Photography. We now sell cell phone cases as well as choosing to donate to a different charity. We will have more products coming soon. It will take some time, but it's coming. Running a business takes time and money, especially when I still must work a nine-to-five job.

Also on a happy note. On the 14th of July, my sister gave birth to her first child. My first nephew. I am such a proud Tante. I am so excited to be a part of his journey.


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