
Showing posts from February, 2023

Out with the old, In with the new!

  I apologize for being away for a while. You know about that desired change I wrote about. Well, a lot has happened during the past few months. It all started in February when a best friend called me about a job opportunity as a day porter paying $24 an hour with a corporate office company. Instead of working a scattered schedule and fighting to get more hours, I now work full-time with full benefits and a steady schedule. All I do is make coffee for scheduled conferences and all the break rooms, along with keeping track of the supplies. I work Monday through Friday 7-4 and having that as part of my routine feels great. The people that I work with are great too. Everyone talks to me and not to me. I also have the freedom to work on whatever task I need to without people asking me what I am doing unless they are being social with me. No one is pestering me. Also, my boss is great and easy to talk to. I no longer feel uneasy whenever my boss calls upon me. When she does it's mainly

Finding One Self Through Conflicts and Goals Part 2

  As I continue from my last post, where I was commenting on how some filmmakers are complete snack junkies, and somehow become unaware of what is important to the project's budget.      There were times were someone would request that I get something from the grocery store such as sweet tea, I'll say gladly but won't be able to until next week and they will give me the "how dare you say no" look on their face. I'll be standing there thinking I was given a budget why will no one let me follow it? Eventually, I was sent out to help on set. It felt like a promotion to me except for more of a sideways shift. As much as I appreciate my experience in the office I would rather be on set where the action is and you can see everything working in unison. My goal was to become a Director of Photography, so being out on set was so exciting for me. Plus I found due to the overtime I got paid more than I did in the office. In the office they had me work 10-12 hours a d