
Showing posts from October, 2022

Out with the old, In with the new!

  I apologize for being away for a while. You know about that desired change I wrote about. Well, a lot has happened during the past few months. It all started in February when a best friend called me about a job opportunity as a day porter paying $24 an hour with a corporate office company. Instead of working a scattered schedule and fighting to get more hours, I now work full-time with full benefits and a steady schedule. All I do is make coffee for scheduled conferences and all the break rooms, along with keeping track of the supplies. I work Monday through Friday 7-4 and having that as part of my routine feels great. The people that I work with are great too. Everyone talks to me and not to me. I also have the freedom to work on whatever task I need to without people asking me what I am doing unless they are being social with me. No one is pestering me. Also, my boss is great and easy to talk to. I no longer feel uneasy whenever my boss calls upon me. When she does it's mainly

Halloween Special

  Happy Halloween Everyone! Feel free to sit by a fire or a dimly lit lamp with a cup of tea or glass of whiskey whatever suits your liking. I have some spooky history to tell you about that can be quite haunting. It begins in 1883 When a scientist and cousin of Charles Darwin named Francis Galton comes up with the term Eugenics which is the belief in the perfect race. Many intellectuals and political leaders backed this theory such as  Alexander Graham Bell, Winston Churchill, John Maynard Keynes, and Woodrow Wilson. These are only a few of the many people that backed this concept, turning it into a movement where they promoted compensating those who marry and conceive children by the government's approval that they have met the expectation of what is deemed as fit. Those who were not deemed as such were allowed to live out their lives once they went through forced sterilization. This movement helped to spark many other disturbing events that changed the worl

Head banging to achieving unknown goals

  Hi everyone, I know that I have been away and am not posting as I would. In the past, I stated that I would post every week. Unfortunately, my schedule is not allowing me to do so. On top of this blog, I am also committed to doing various other projects such as writing my books, which I can't wait to talk about once I finish my first draft. In my photography business, Naturally Nature Photography, I'm trying different printing techniques on how to print onto wood, so that I can do the prints myself rather than going through a secondary party to print my work making my art more pricey than I would like to. Can't wait to show you the result of my attempts. Alongside these projects, I also work part-time at Home Depot for an average of 30 hours a week. As well as looking for a new place to live and prepping for a trip to Germany next year. I have a tendency to take on so much it gets to the point where I just wonder if these projects are going to get me anywhere. It ge