
Showing posts from July, 2023


  Education! The simplest and most challenging thing one will go through in one's life. Simple because all you have to do is sit down and read a book on a subject you know nothing about and question what you are reading allowing it to shape you, along with gaining hands-on experience by practice or trade. It’s coming across a problem and wanting to solve it. It’s the hope of finding something new or creating something new.   So, what’s challenging about it? Is it commitment? Or is it the expectation?   What is more intimidating?   If you find enough interest in something, and make it essential to you, you will commit to it with no problem.  The essentials are budgeting money, cooking food, and whatever else is needed to survive and stand alone.   Unfortunately, the classes that teach this are not normally required.  The requirement is to find Y’s X. Let me tell you something: I have not needed to find Y’s X since my junior year of ...

The Blog's 1 Year Anniversary!

This month is the Blog's 1 year anniversary, so I decided to open up a TikTok account and posted a video (see below), which will hopefully be the first of many yet to come! This will be a short post; we're going to Germany this month. Funny enough,  the flight leaves the same day that our flight to Baltimore left last year! I'm really Excited for this trip! I'm going to finally see family that I haven't been able to see since 2017. Germany is home to me, and I've been homesick for a long time.  The United States is also home to me of course. When you have two countries to call home you become homesick regardless. Hopefully one of these days I'll be able to go back and forward between the two countries more often. I think that might help. I do promise pictures! I'm not leaving my camera behind! Can't wait to show you all that I find.