
Showing posts from April, 2023


  Education! The simplest and most challenging thing one will go through in one's life. Simple because all you have to do is sit down and read a book on a subject you know nothing about and question what you are reading allowing it to shape you, along with gaining hands-on experience by practice or trade. It’s coming across a problem and wanting to solve it. It’s the hope of finding something new or creating something new.   So, what’s challenging about it? Is it commitment? Or is it the expectation?   What is more intimidating?   If you find enough interest in something, and make it essential to you, you will commit to it with no problem.  The essentials are budgeting money, cooking food, and whatever else is needed to survive and stand alone.   Unfortunately, the classes that teach this are not normally required.  The requirement is to find Y’s X. Let me tell you something: I have not needed to find Y’s X since my junior year of ...

Happy Autism Awareness Month!

  Social Awareness / Social Difficulty Happy Autism Awareness Month!      Let’s talk about the enormous elephant in the room! The basis of autism is that it’s a social disorder. So it’s a given that there is going to be social awareness and social difficulty. No, I’m not talking about keeping up with the latest social trends, whatever that is. How do you even keep up with or even determine a social trend? I do understand that a trend is basically what people like the most, but how does that even get started?      Social awareness is being aware of your surroundings and others around you. When interacting with people, to be able to read body language and become aware of the individual’s intentions and feelings. This is something that I have gotten better at, but there are still times were certain things will go over my head. I sometimes get so stuck in my thoughts that I would lose track of where I have been.      This one t...