
Showing posts from December, 2022


  Education! The simplest and most challenging thing one will go through in one's life. Simple because all you have to do is sit down and read a book on a subject you know nothing about and question what you are reading allowing it to shape you, along with gaining hands-on experience by practice or trade. It’s coming across a problem and wanting to solve it. It’s the hope of finding something new or creating something new.   So, what’s challenging about it? Is it commitment? Or is it the expectation?   What is more intimidating?   If you find enough interest in something, and make it essential to you, you will commit to it with no problem.  The essentials are budgeting money, cooking food, and whatever else is needed to survive and stand alone.   Unfortunately, the classes that teach this are not normally required.  The requirement is to find Y’s X. Let me tell you something: I have not needed to find Y’s X since my junior year of ...

Holiday Treats

  We all know how difficult the holidays can be when you have dietary restrictions especially when you discover your allergies later in life and develop cravings for foods that you no longer can eat. I discovered my allergies when I was 16 years almost 17 and grew up eating just about everything including my mom's German Christmas Cookies such as Butter Cookies, Vanillekipferl, Lebkuchen, Pfeffernüsse, Spritzgebäck, and the list can go on. There are so many and not just cookies. Potato casual, apple pie, pumpkin pie, pecan pie, biscuits and gravy, hash-brown caesural. I only had these once a year. These dishes have triggered the pleasure part of my brain for so long to where I can still taste them all making it so difficult to stay away and I've been gluten and cow dairy free sense 2009. Luckily for some of these dishes, my family and I were able to substitute the ingredients. For others did not have to. I even found new recipes as well. So instead of conti...